简介:The film tells the story of 15-year-old Robin, a virtuoso piano player, and her mother Claire, who lives for her and is her biggest fan. When Robin is the victim of a serious accident, their life will undergo a sudden change.
主演:特伦斯·希尔 霍斯特·弗兰克 乔治·伊斯特曼 Bruna Simionato Pinuccio Ardia Guido Lollobrigida Gianni Brezza Giovanni Ivan Scratuglia 卢西亚诺·罗西 Andrea Scotti Roberto Simmi Spartaco Conversi 佛朗哥·巴尔杜奇 阿德里安娜·觉福莱尔 Lucio De Santis 欧米洛·康帕纳 Eugene Walter