简介:In Improper Relations a cousin who comes to visit seduces almost all her relatives. In The Last Subway a woman performs a striptease on a deserted subway platform for a man on the opposite track. Finally in Dream a beautiful woman falls asleep on an isolated beach and starts dreaming about sexual encounters...
简介:弗兰克(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)是一名急救医生,这个争分夺秒的工作让他在日积月累间承担了许多无形的压力。弗兰克救过很多人的性命,但也眼睁睁的看着很多人无奈的死去。这一次,他的急救对象是一个名叫罗斯(Cynthia Roman 饰)的女孩,不幸的是,罗斯最终死去。罗斯的死给弗兰克带来的前所未有的巨大打击,他甚至出现了幻觉,精神濒临崩溃。 在另一次抢救任务中,弗兰克遇见了老人波克(Cullen O. Johnson 饰)和他的孙女玛丽(帕特丽夏·阿奎特 Patricia Arquette 饰),波克的重病让他生不如死,在玛丽和波克的默许下,弗兰克主动结束了老人的生命。而对于弗兰克来说,波克的死带来的是解脱和救赎。
简介:Warning for naive people!this is a very adult movie. I had caught the first one so i rented this out of curiosity and because i think Lila Baumann is hot! The movies has a British feel in it though i seriously doubt whether the cast is British as some of them spoke a bad imitation of the accent. Connoisseurs of beautiful nude women will love this movie as good looking girls are...